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Gegenstände aus Papier

Product ID: Kunst

21,90 EUR

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Weight: 0.345 kg

Heinrich Rockstroh:
Die Kunst, mancherlei Gegenstände aus Papier zu formen
(The Art of Making Various Objects out of Paper)

This book dates back to the year 1810 and is the first book ever on making models with card. It is now being published in two volumes. The first volume is a reprint edition of the original in Gothic print. The text gives general instructions for modelling with card and explains the individual building phases in the guideline tables contained in the appendix. - In the enclosed second volume, the whole text is commented upon and copied into Latin print.

Vol. 1: 48 pages, 20 guideline tables
Vol. 2: Transcription, afterword and commentary by Dieter Nievergelt, 62 pages
Language: German

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