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Welcome to the Online Shop of the Schreiber-Bogen paper models

Here you will find numerous cardboard models for cutting out and gluing together, e.g. castles, buildings and technical models.
The J.F. Schreiber Publishing House, founded in 1831, has been publishing cardboard models since 1878. Since 1998, the Schreiber-Bogen paper model range has been continued by the publishers Aue-Verlag in Möckmühl.

To the german version of shop

If you click on the left, you will get to the product range of the Aue-Verlag in Möckmühl. In addition to the Schreiber-Bogen paper models, Aue-Verlag also offers simpler cut-out sheets and other creative media for Sunday School and religion classes. Here all the texts and assembly instructions are in German.

Short Films on YouTube
What does the cardboard model builder do when he is taking a break from building? Have a look at YouTube and enter “SchreiberBogen”. You will find entertaining information about individual sheets. You’ll be surprised!

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